What to do when he pulls away

When a man pulls away, it can be confusing and distressing. One common reaction is to over-function, trying harder to please and accommodate him. This often backfires, making the man feel pressured and causing him to distance himself further. Instead of intensifying efforts to win him back, it’s more effective to focus on oneself and maintain personal boundaries.

Reducing the urge to over-function allows a woman to retain her self-respect and dignity. Shifting from doing to being involves embracing one’s feminine energy and creating space for the man to come closer on his own. This approach fosters a healthier dynamic where both partners can thrive without feeling overwhelmed by unmet expectations.

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Ultimately, when a man pulls away, the best strategy is to stay grounded and confident. By nurturing self-worth and not chasing after his approval, a woman can inspire a man to appreciate her more deeply. This balance encourages mutual respect and a stronger, more authentic connection.

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