World Bank and PAHO Launch PROTECT Project to Strengthen Pandemic Response in South America

Today, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the World Bank jointly announced the launch of the PROTECT Project, a transformative initiative aimed at enhancing pandemic preparedness and response in seven South American countries. With nearly US$17 million in funding from The Pandemic Fund, PROTECT will focus on optimizing surveillance and laboratory systems in border regions of Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Uruguay.

Presented at the PAHO headquarters in Washington, D.C., the PROTECT Project targets rural and remote communities within the Amazon Basin. These areas pose unique challenges due to their rich biodiversity, which harbors a high potential for the emergence of zoonotic diseases capable of triggering epidemics or pandemics.

Jarbas Barbosa, Director of PAHO, emphasized PROTECT’s significance in bolstering regional preparedness. “PROTECT represents a crucial step towards more robust preparedness for epidemic and pandemic threats in the Amazon Basin,” he stated. The initiative aims to enhance capacities for early detection, characterization, and response to pathogens with epidemic potential, thereby safeguarding vulnerable communities and mitigating future pandemics across the Americas.

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The collaborative effort engages a diverse coalition including Ministries of Health and Agriculture, PAHO/WHO, the World Bank, and PAHO’s Pan American Foot and Mouth Disease and Veterinary Public Health Center (PANAFTOSA). Jaime Saavedra, Human Development Director for Latin America and the Caribbean at the World Bank, underscored the importance of coordinated action and political commitment to prevent future pandemics. “There is an urgent need for political commitment from governments and better coordination between all sectors to save lives together,” he affirmed.

Over the next three years, PROTECT aims to benefit more than 2.4 million people, encompassing indigenous, non-indigenous, and riverside communities. Key activities include strengthening early warning surveillance systems, modernizing laboratories, and fostering regional coordination for a more effective pandemic response.

Priya Basu, Executive Head of the Pandemic Fund, highlighted PROTECT’s comprehensive approach. “The investments focus on building integrated early warning and surveillance systems for zoonotic diseases, laboratories, and a fit for purpose workforce, through a One Health approach,” she explained. The project aims to catalyze cooperation and coordination among sectors, partners, and countries to bolster global health security.

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The virtual launch event drew participation from representatives of Ministries of Health, Agriculture, and Environment from the seven participating countries, alongside the PANAFTOSA team. It marks a significant milestone in advancing regional health security and resilience against emerging health threats in South America.

As PROTECT unfolds, it promises to elevate pandemic readiness and response capabilities, setting a precedent for collaborative, proactive health measures in the region.

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