Mystery in Kakamega: DCI Probes Alleged Abduction of PAG Bishop Patrick Lihanda

In what has shocked not only the members of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God (PAG) but also the general public, Bishop Patrick Lihanda, the PAG General Presiding Superintendent, has reportedly been abducted under mysterious circumstances. As authorities work to investigate the case, many are left wondering how a respected religious leader could vanish so abruptly, especially at a time when the church is gearing up for crucial elections amidst a longstanding internal power struggle.

Timeline of Events Leading to Bishop Lihanda’s Disappearance

The sequence of events surrounding Bishop Lihanda’s disappearance began on a seemingly normal afternoon. On the evening of September 28, 2024, Bishop Lihanda left the PAG headquarters in Nyang’ori, Vihiga County. His destination was Mbale town, where he had scheduled a meeting. However, what seemed to be a routine trip took a distressing turn when the bishop sent an alarming SMS to his driver. In the message, Bishop Lihanda indicated that his life was in danger. His driver tried to contact him immediately, but the bishop’s phone had already been switched off.

The driver, recognizing the seriousness of the message, rushed to the Mbale Police Station to report the incident. The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) was swiftly brought into the matter, and efforts to trace the bishop’s phone were initiated. By Saturday evening, DCI detectives had tracked the last known location of Bishop Lihanda’s phone to Mayoni, a small locality in the Mumias area of Kakamega County.

What officers found next only deepened the mystery. On the morning of Sunday, September 29, police discovered the bishop’s white Mercedes Benz abandoned at Shibale Trading Centre in Mumias. The car’s headlights were still on, but there were no signs of the bishop. Inside the vehicle, authorities recovered some personal items belonging to Bishop Lihanda, including his Bible, spectacles, and diary. The absence of the bishop himself, however, has sparked concerns that something sinister might have occurred.

Mumias Sub-county police commander Stephen Muoni confirmed the findings but declined to speculate on the potential motive or individuals behind the alleged abduction. He stated that investigations were ongoing, and the DCI would provide updates as more details emerged.

A Church in Crisis: The Internal Struggles of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God

The disappearance of Bishop Lihanda comes at a particularly volatile time for the Pentecostal Assemblies of God in Kenya. The church has been embroiled in an intense leadership dispute for over five years. This internal conflict, marked by division and legal battles, has polarized the church into two main factions, both vying for control.

At the heart of this controversy is the upcoming PAG elections, scheduled for October 1, 2024. These elections are critical as they will determine the leadership of one of the most influential Christian denominations in Kenya. Bishop Lihanda, as the General Presiding Superintendent, has played a central role in navigating the church through this period of turbulence. However, with the elections looming, tensions have reached an all-time high, and the church remains deeply divided.

Sources within the PAG community have suggested that the leadership wrangles could be connected to Bishop Lihanda’s disappearance. The rivalry between the factions has led to multiple court cases over the years, with accusations of fraud, corruption, and mismanagement being hurled from both sides. Some members fear that the high stakes involved in the upcoming elections may have driven certain individuals to extreme measures in a bid to influence the outcome.

The upcoming elections were already under scrutiny, with many questioning whether they would even take place given the volatile atmosphere within the church. Bishop Lihanda’s abduction has now added a layer of uncertainty, with concerns about the safety of other church leaders and whether the church can proceed with the elections in the absence of its presiding bishop.

The Leadership Dispute: A Deeper Look

The PAG’s leadership conflict began in 2019 after a contentious election that saw Bishop Lihanda ascend to the position of General Presiding Superintendent. His opponents, however, challenged the results, claiming the election process was marred by irregularities. Since then, the church has been locked in a power struggle that has spilled over into Kenya’s judicial system.

Various court cases have been filed by both sides, and each ruling has only added to the complexity of the dispute. The situation has also polarized the congregation, with some members remaining loyal to Bishop Lihanda while others align themselves with his rivals. What should have been a peaceful resolution of differences has instead become a protracted conflict that has tarnished the image of the church.

One key issue has been the financial management of church resources. The rival faction has accused Bishop Lihanda and his administration of mismanaging church funds, an accusation the bishop has repeatedly denied. These allegations have added to the animosity between the two camps and made it nearly impossible to achieve reconciliation.

Another significant concern has been the governance structure within the PAG. Some members argue that the church’s leadership structure is outdated and does not reflect the democratic values the congregation should uphold. They believe that the power vested in the General Presiding Superintendent is excessive and has contributed to the current crisis.

Impact on the Church Community

Bishop Lihanda’s disappearance has left the PAG community reeling. For many, he was more than just a leader; he was a spiritual guide who helped steer the church through some of its most challenging times. His sudden disappearance, therefore, feels like an attack not just on his person but on the entire PAG institution.

Members of the church have expressed shock and disbelief, with some holding prayer vigils in the hope of his safe return. Others, however, have voiced concern about what this incident could mean for the future of the PAG. With the leadership elections just days away, many fear that the church’s leadership crisis could spiral out of control.

The PAG plays a significant role in Kenya’s religious landscape, with a large following across the country. Its influence extends beyond the church pews, as the PAG has been involved in various community development initiatives, including education and health programs. The ongoing leadership wrangles, therefore, do not just affect the church; they have broader implications for the communities that rely on PAG’s services.

The Role of the DCI in Unraveling the Mystery

As the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) continues to investigate the circumstances surrounding Bishop Lihanda’s disappearance, the authorities have stressed the need for patience. Given the high-profile nature of the case, there is immense pressure on law enforcement to resolve the matter swiftly. However, with few leads so far, the investigation remains in its early stages.

DCI detectives have been combing through evidence, including CCTV footage and witness statements, in a bid to retrace the bishop’s steps. The recovery of his car in Mumias has provided a crucial lead, but much remains to be uncovered. Detectives are also investigating the possibility that the bishop may have been taken across county borders, complicating the search.

Police have urged the public to come forward with any information that may assist in locating Bishop Lihanda. In the meantime, the PAG leadership has called for calm and assured the congregation that everything is being done to ensure the bishop’s safe return.

What Lies Ahead for the PAG?

As the investigation into Bishop Lihanda’s disappearance unfolds, the PAG faces an uncertain future. The leadership dispute that has plagued the church for years shows no signs of abating, and the bishop’s abduction only adds to the sense of crisis. Whether or not the upcoming elections will proceed as planned remains unclear, but what is certain is that the PAG will need to find a way to resolve its internal divisions if it is to move forward.

The church, which has been a beacon of hope and faith for many, now finds itself at a crossroads. Its ability to navigate this crisis will not only determine its future leadership but also its place in Kenya’s religious and social landscape.

As the investigation into Bishop Lihanda’s disappearance continues, one can only hope that justice will prevail and that the church will emerge from this ordeal stronger and more united than before.

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