Raila Odinga Has No Role in Gachagua’s Political Woes – ODM’s Stance on Impeachment Debates

The Kenyan political arena has always been a dynamic battlefield, with its participants often finding themselves in convoluted webs of alliances, accusations, and counter-accusations. The latest of these episodes involves the political faction led by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party. Recently, ODM members, particularly Suba North MP Millie Odhiambo, have come out strongly to declare that former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has no role in Gachagua’s political challenges, specifically concerning the ongoing impeachment debate. The ODM has called on Gachagua’s allies to cease dragging Raila into the impeachment discourse, emphasizing that the ongoing political crisis is not Raila’s battle.

The Context: Impeachment Talks and ODM’s Response

At the heart of this political standoff lies the potential impeachment of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua. As debates and speculation around the impeachment swirl, some of Gachagua’s supporters have insinuated that Raila Odinga, the leader of the opposition and a long-time political rival, has a hand in the efforts to oust the Deputy President. These claims have been met with fierce rebuttal from ODM, whose leaders have insisted that their party and its leader, Raila Odinga, are not involved in the impeachment maneuvering.

Suba North MP Millie Odhiambo, serving as the Minority Whip in the National Assembly, has been at the forefront of ODM’s rebuttal. In her statements, she made it clear that ODM had no vested interest in the internal struggles of the ruling coalition and its leadership. Odhiambo’s firm stance underscores the party’s desire to distance itself from what it views as an unnecessary entanglement in matters that do not concern its leadership or its political agenda.

“That war (impeachment) is not our war as a party,” Odhiambo emphatically stated. “We don’t know the agreements you entered into behind the scenes; we know nothing about them and why you want to involve us in a war that is not ours, sielewi.”

Gachagua’s Political Predicament

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has found himself at the center of a storm within the ruling party. Tensions between him and other political players in the government have escalated, and the idea of impeachment has become a hot topic of debate. Gachagua, a key figure in the political machinations of the Mt. Kenya region, has faced criticism from some quarters within his political circle. While his supporters remain loyal and dismissive of the impeachment talk, others have suggested that his political influence is under threat.

Some of Gachagua’s allies have seemingly attempted to paint Raila Odinga as a behind-the-scenes player in this political crisis. However, this narrative has been forcefully challenged by ODM. For ODM, the impeachment issue is an internal affair for the ruling party to sort out, without implicating Raila, who, as Odhiambo pointed out, is currently focused on his continental ambitions, such as gaining the AU Chairmanship.

ODM’s Strong Rebuttal

Millie Odhiambo’s response to the allegations was unequivocal, indicating that any attempt to link Raila to Gachagua’s woes would provoke a strong response from the ODM camp. While the party had originally taken a neutral stance on the impeachment issue, Odhiambo’s statements suggest that continued efforts to implicate Raila could shift ODM’s position. “I will whip our members to support the impeachment. If they want us to retreat, let them come out publicly and apologize for attacking Raila,” she warned.

Odhiambo’s comments were directed at leaders within Gachagua’s camp who have invoked Raila’s name in the ongoing political fight. One such leader is Maragua MP Mary Wamaua, who had allegedly attacked Raila in connection with the impeachment debate. Odhiambo’s reaction was swift and clear: if Raila continues to be dragged into the issue, ODM would rally behind the impeachment motion.

This statement by Odhiambo is a reflection of the broader ODM strategy to defend Raila Odinga from political attacks, especially from leaders who use his name as a political scapegoat. The sentiment is not new; Raila has often been used as a polarizing figure in Kenya’s political landscape, particularly in the Mt. Kenya region, where some politicians have built their careers on opposing him.

The Changing Dynamics of Mt. Kenya Politics

One of the more striking observations made by Millie Odhiambo in her statements was the changing nature of political discourse in the Mt. Kenya region. She challenged the notion that leaders from the region could continue using Raila Odinga as a political scapegoat, warning that the time for such tactics had passed. “The time is gone when you could con your own backyard using Raila Amolo Odinga as a scarecrow,” Odhiambo stated. “That you would say Raila this, Raila that, and get elected. It is now time for you to deliver on your mandate to be elected.”

This statement reflects a broader shift in Kenyan politics. For decades, Raila Odinga has been a polarizing figure, with some regions of the country rallying around him and others using his political persona as a rallying cry for opposition. In the Mt. Kenya region, many political leaders have historically positioned themselves as anti-Raila figures to win electoral support. However, as Odhiambo suggests, this approach may be losing its effectiveness.

With Raila focusing on continental leadership ambitions and stepping back from the daily political battles in Kenya, the narrative that has long dominated Mt. Kenya politics may be shifting. Leaders from the region are now being called upon to deliver tangible results and focus on their leadership responsibilities rather than rely on anti-Raila rhetoric to maintain their political base.

ODM’s Position on the Impeachment

While Millie Odhiambo’s statements indicate a willingness to whip ODM members into supporting the impeachment of Deputy President Gachagua, the party has yet to take an official stance on the matter. According to Odhiambo, ODM had initially agreed to stay out of the impeachment debate, following an unwritten rule to respect the wishes of their political counterparts who had requested them not to interfere. “Our brothers and sisters told us ‘musiguse murima’ and we agreed,” Odhiambo explained.

However, with Raila’s name now being dragged into the debate, ODM’s neutral stance appears to be wavering. Odhiambo hinted that the party might reconsider its position if the attacks on Raila continue, suggesting that political tit-for-tat is a fair game in the high-stakes world of Kenyan politics. “I didn’t sign that petition, but the moment Hon. Wamaua touched Raila, I looked for the list and have already signed it,” she revealed.


The ongoing political drama surrounding the potential impeachment of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua highlights the complex and often unpredictable nature of Kenyan politics. ODM’s firm response to attempts to link Raila Odinga to Gachagua’s political troubles underscores the party’s determination to defend its leader from unwarranted attacks. At the same time, it serves as a reminder that political dynamics in regions like Mt. Kenya are changing, with leaders being called upon to deliver results rather than rely on outdated political rhetoric.

As the impeachment debate continues to unfold, it remains to be seen whether ODM will take a more active role in the process or whether Gachagua’s supporters will heed the party’s calls to stop involving Raila. What is clear, however, is that ODM is ready to defend its leader and will not tolerate political scapegoating. The next few weeks will likely reveal whether this political standoff escalates or subsides, and what role, if any, Raila Odinga will ultimately play in Gachagua’s political future.

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