Embracing the Digital Era: PS Beatrice Inyangala’s Call to Graduates at Kirinyaga University

Principal Secretary (PS) of the State Department for Higher Education and Research, Dr. Beatrice Muganda Inyangala, delivered a significant message to the graduates of Kirinyaga University. During the institution’s 8th graduation ceremony, she emphasized the importance of embracing the digital era as they move into various sectors of the workforce. This article explores her key remarks, the progress of Kirinyaga University, and the broader implications for Kenya’s educational and technological development.

A Call to Embrace Technology in a Dynamic World

Dr. Inyangala’s speech was an apt reflection of Kirinyaga University’s motto, “Innovative technology for a dynamic world,” which served as the foundation of her address. She lauded the institution for its dedication to nurturing students in technology-driven fields, stating that the university’s alignment with innovation is precisely what the modern world demands.

As the graduates prepare to enter various industries such as education, business, health sciences, and engineering, PS Inyangala highlighted that technology is an enabler for success in these fields. In her words, “Entering education, business, health sciences, and engineering presents great opportunities to leverage technology and uncover infinite possibilities.”

This reflects the rapidly shifting global economy, where technological proficiency has become a fundamental requirement. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is shaping new paradigms of work, where automation, artificial intelligence, and digital tools redefine productivity, decision-making, and societal progress. The PS’s message to graduates is a call to embrace these changes and be active contributors to Kenya’s growing digital economy.

Kirinyaga University: A Transformation in Education

Kirinyaga University, since its chartering in 2016, has undergone a remarkable transformation. It has grown from a small technical institution with fewer than 200 students to a fully-fledged university serving over 13,000 students, supported by more than 300 staff, and offering over 100 academic programmes. This growth is testament to the institution’s commitment to academic excellence and its focus on innovative technology.

Dr. Inyangala praised the university’s focus on science, technology, and innovation, noting that this emphasis positions it as a key player in shaping Kenya’s future workforce. She commended Kirinyaga University’s focus on producing graduates in high-demand fields such as software, computer systems, and engineering, stating that these professionals will play a crucial role in advancing the government’s agenda for a digital economy.

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The development of Kirinyaga University is also aligned with Kenya’s broader educational goals, as outlined in Kenya Vision 2030. This long-term development blueprint aims to transform Kenya into a newly industrializing, middle-income country providing a high quality of life to all its citizens. By aligning its programmes with national objectives, the university contributes directly to achieving these goals.

Enhancing Universal Health Coverage Through Education

One of the standout elements of Kirinyaga University’s impact is its contribution to the health sector. PS Inyangala underscored the university’s role in training health practitioners, an essential element in supporting the government’s agenda for universal health coverage (UHC). She acknowledged the institution’s efforts in community outreach, particularly its provision of free diagnostics and treatment to improve health outcomes.

Inyangala’s comments speak to the broader societal role that universities play, particularly in shaping the country’s healthcare landscape. The intersection of education and healthcare is pivotal in developing skilled practitioners who can contribute to Kenya’s healthcare system, ensuring improved health outcomes for communities across the country. The university’s focus on health sciences thus ties into the government’s broader vision of providing accessible healthcare to all Kenyans.

The Government’s Commitment to Education and Research

One of the critical aspects of Dr. Inyangala’s speech was her reaffirmation of the government’s commitment to supporting universities in fulfilling their mission. Inyangala noted that despite the current fiscal constraints, the government continues to fund universities, ensuring that they can provide quality education.

A key point she highlighted was the new funding model for universities, which replaces the previous system that saw incremental annual increases of about 5%. Under the new model, resources allocated to universities are nearly doubled, a significant development aimed at enhancing educational infrastructure, hiring additional staff, and improving overall learning conditions.

The PS acknowledged that the quality of education is directly tied to the resources provided to institutions, including modern infrastructure, technological inputs, and well-trained educators. She emphasized the importance of staff in delivering high-quality education, noting that all inputs into the education system must be effectively organized by faculty and administrators to produce the expected outputs.

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Preparing Graduates for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), characterized by rapid advancements in technology, artificial intelligence, big data, and the Internet of Things (IoT), is shaping the future of work and society. Dr. Inyangala urged graduates to prepare themselves for this fast-changing world, challenging them to refine their skills, upskill, multi-skill, and broaden their horizons.

This call is particularly relevant in a world where technological advancements continue to disrupt traditional industries, create new job opportunities, and require new skill sets. Graduates in fields like software development, computer systems, engineering, and forensic science are crucial in driving the innovations that will shape the future of Kenya and the world.

Inyangala’s message to the graduates was clear: as they step into the professional world, they must foster curiosity, challenge assumptions, and approach problems with an open mind. The PS’s words of encouragement also touched on the importance of service, urging graduates to serve with diligence, empathy, and a commitment to bettering society.

The Role of Kirinyaga University in Kenya’s Strategic Development

The Vice Chancellor of Kirinyaga University, Professor Mary Ndung’u, also spoke during the graduation ceremony, echoing the sentiments of PS Inyangala. She emphasized the university’s commitment to developing programmes that contribute to the achievement of Kenya Vision 2030 and the government’s broader agenda for economic and social development.

Professor Ndung’u highlighted the importance of high-quality teaching and research programmes, which she noted naturally require excellent facilities. Kirinyaga University has made significant strides in mobilizing resources to provide state-of-the-art learning environments, including modern laboratories, workshops, ICT infrastructure, and high-speed internet.

The Vice Chancellor also expressed hope that government funding would continue to be enhanced, enabling the university to implement its strategic plan for 2022-2027. This plan aims to create an enabling environment that prepares students not only with academic knowledge but also with social and ethical skills, ensuring they are well-rounded professionals.

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The 8th graduation ceremony at Kirinyaga University was a momentous occasion, marked by powerful messages of encouragement and insight from PS Dr. Beatrice Muganda Inyangala and Vice Chancellor Professor Mary Ndung’u. The event underscored the critical role that higher education institutions like Kirinyaga University play in shaping Kenya’s future, particularly in the fields of technology, health, and engineering.

Dr. Inyangala’s call to graduates to embrace the digital era reflects the global shift toward technology-driven solutions in all sectors. As Kenya positions itself to be a leader in innovation and development, the role of education in providing skilled professionals cannot be overstated. With continued government support, modern infrastructure, and a commitment to high-quality education, Kirinyaga University and its graduates are well-placed to contribute to Kenya’s national development goals and the global technological landscape.

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