On Friday, tensions in Ukraine surged as Russia accused Ukraine of launching a deadly missile strike on a supermarket in the Moscow-controlled city of Donetsk. The attack reportedly killed two people, with Russian state media claiming a U.S.-supplied HIMARS missile was used. Verified social media footage showed a massive explosion in the area, although Ukrainian officials have not commented on the accusation.
Meanwhile, Ukraine faced a massive wave of Russian drone strikes targeting Poltava, Sumy, Kharkiv, and other regions. The Ukrainian Air Force reported intercepting 72 Shahed-type drones, with flashes and explosions lighting up Kyiv’s skies. Though no fatalities were reported, debris caused minor damage to a residential high-rise.
The front-line city of Pokrovsk saw fierce fighting on Friday. Ukrainian forces reported intense battles near key logistics routes, with Russia’s relentless push in the region leaving the city, once home to 64,000 people, heavily devastated.
The clashes followed the Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting in Ramstein, Germany, where Kyiv’s allies pledged unwavering support. The U.S. announced $500 million in additional military aid to bolster Ukraine’s air defenses amid Russia’s continued targeting of civilian and infrastructure sites.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, after attending the Ramstein meeting, praised coordinated sanctions by the U.S. and Britain on Russia’s energy sector and its shadow fleet of tankers. These sanctions aim to curtail Moscow’s war funding by targeting oil producers, liquefied natural gas projects, and vessels allegedly involved in sanctions-busting and suspected sabotage in the Baltic Sea.
As the conflict rages, diplomatic efforts are intensifying. Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry expects high-level talks with the U.S. after President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov confirmed Moscow’s willingness to engage with Trump, emphasizing the need for mutual dialogue.
The renewed military aid and sanctions reflect the West’s determination to counter Russia’s aggression while Kyiv braces for continued assaults. Both sides remain entrenched in a conflict with no clear resolution in sight, as diplomatic and military efforts unfold in parallel.