Ruto, Duale Grace Launch of Climate WorX Mtaani Initiative Engaging 200,000 Youth in Sustainability

President William Ruto and Climate Change Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale officiated the launch of the Climate WorX Mtaani initiative in Korogocho on Thursday, a significant step in Kenya’s efforts to address environmental challenges and create sustainable livelihoods. The initiative aims to engage approximately 200,000 youth in environmental sustainability programs, a move aligned with the Kenya Kwanza administration’s Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA).

A Major Step Towards Environmental Sustainability

The Climate WorX Mtaani initiative is part of the national government’s broader climate action and livelihoods program, which includes the ambitious 15 billion national tree-growing initiative. The program, which kicks off in Nairobi County, is set to progressively expand to other counties across Kenya, providing both environmental benefits and economic opportunities.

At the launch, President Ruto emphasized the critical role of youth in driving Kenya’s environmental sustainability efforts. He highlighted the initiative as a platform for the youth to actively participate in combating climate change while gaining employment and building skills for the future.

“We are not just planting trees; we are planting a future. A future where our youth are at the forefront of creating a greener, more sustainable Kenya,” President Ruto stated during his address.

Youth Engagement for Economic and Environmental Impact

The Climate WorX Mtaani initiative is designed to empower youth by involving them in various environmental activities, such as tree planting, waste management, and urban greening. These activities will not only contribute to the government’s environmental goals but also offer employment opportunities for young people across the country, particularly in urban areas where unemployment rates are high.

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Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale noted the importance of involving youth in climate action, pointing out that the initiative aligns with the Kenya Kwanza government’s commitment to addressing both environmental and economic challenges. He stressed that environmental sustainability and economic growth must go hand in hand, with the youth being key players in achieving these dual objectives.

“This initiative is more than a job creation program; it is a call to action for our youth to lead the way in protecting and nurturing our environment,” Duale said.

Supporting Kenya’s Climate Action Agenda

The Climate WorX Mtaani initiative is a core part of Kenya’s commitment to environmental conservation and climate resilience. With global concerns about climate change growing, the initiative represents Kenya’s proactive stance in addressing these challenges at the community level. The involvement of 200,000 youth in these programs is expected to have a significant impact on environmental conservation efforts, such as increasing the country’s tree cover and promoting sustainable urban development.

In his remarks, President Ruto highlighted the urgency of addressing climate change and the critical role that local initiatives, such as Climate WorX Mtaani, play in achieving national and global environmental targets. He reaffirmed the government’s commitment to supporting such initiatives and called on other stakeholders, including the private sector and international partners, to join in these efforts.

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Dignitaries in Attendance

The launch event was attended by a host of government officials, underscoring the importance of the initiative. Among those present were Principal Secretaries Festus Ng’eno (Environment), Gitonga Mugambi (Forestry), Raymond Omollo (Interior), Teresia Mbaika (Devolution), and Charles Hinga (Housing). Also in attendance was the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Kenya, Stephen Jackson, who lauded the initiative as a commendable effort by the Kenyan government to integrate climate action with youth empowerment.

Stephen Jackson emphasized the role of partnerships in achieving sustainable development goals, expressing the UN’s commitment to supporting Kenya’s climate action and youth engagement strategies.

A Vision for a Greener Kenya

As the Climate WorX Mtaani initiative rolls out, it is expected to make a notable contribution to Kenya’s environmental sustainability goals, particularly the 15 billion national tree-growing program. By involving the youth, the initiative aims to create a sense of ownership and responsibility towards the environment, fostering a culture of sustainability that will benefit future generations.

President Ruto concluded the event by reiterating the government’s resolve to continue investing in climate action programs that provide practical solutions to the country’s environmental challenges while creating jobs and building a resilient economy.

“The future of our nation depends on the actions we take today. Through initiatives like Climate WorX Mtaani, we are not only securing a healthier environment but also empowering our youth to be the architects of a sustainable and prosperous Kenya,” he affirmed.

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With its focus on engaging the youth in meaningful climate action, the Climate WorX Mtaani initiative marks a significant step towards realizing Kenya’s vision of a greener and more sustainable future.

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