Three years after its launch, the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra remains a revered flagship device. Yet, a growing number of users are facing a critical issue following the One UI 6.1 update, rolled out in September last year. Reports have surfaced across platforms like X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, Reddit, and the Samsung community forum, highlighting a persistent problem of endless reboot loops that render affected phones nearly unusable.
The “boot loop” issue involves the device repeatedly restarting without reaching a usable state. For some users, this is accompanied by random crashes, stuttering, and freezing. These symptoms collectively point to a severe hardware malfunction, which many claim is linked to a faulty or damaged motherboard.
Affected users have reported mixed experiences when seeking help. According to Sammobile, Samsung service centers acknowledge the problem but identify the root cause as a damaged motherboard. Unfortunately, as the Galaxy S22 Ultra has passed its warranty period, users are being asked to cover repair costs, which can be substantial.
In response to the issue, some users have resorted to unconventional methods, such as placing their devices in a freezer to temporarily stabilize performance. This risky workaround, while offering brief relief, is not a recommended solution, as exposure to extreme temperatures can irreparably damage internal components.
Frustration within the Galaxy S22 Ultra community is growing, especially given the phone’s premium status. While Samsung has yet to release an official acknowledgment or fix for the issue, users are demanding accountability. They argue that a device of this caliber should not suffer such a critical failure due to a software update.
The issue raises broader concerns about the sustainability of flagship smartphones and manufacturers’ responsibility to address post-launch hardware or software-induced failures. For many users, the One UI 6.1 update, intended to enhance the phone’s functionality, has become a source of significant stress and financial burden.
As complaints mount, Samsung’s next steps will be critical. An official investigation or recall program would signal the company’s commitment to resolving the issue and maintaining consumer trust. Until then, Galaxy S22 Ultra owners are left in a frustrating limbo, grappling with malfunctioning devices and costly repair options.
This situation serves as a cautionary tale for manufacturers and consumers alike, underscoring the need for rigorous post-update testing and long-term hardware support.