The driver of a matatu, Cliff Mike Mwathi Wangui, has been arrested following a viral video showing reckless driving on the Nyeri-Nairobi Highway. The incident, which occurred in the Makuyu area, involved two matatus registered KBH 889N and KCF 996R driving dangerously in full view of other motorists. The shocking footage, which has since gone viral, captures the vehicles weaving in and out of traffic without regard for road safety rules.
Wangui, who was behind the wheel of the matatu with registration number KBH 889N, was seen swerving dangerously across the busy highway, forcing other drivers to take evasive action. Passengers in both matatus were seen hanging out of the windows, oblivious to the risks involved in such dangerous behavior. The video was captured by a driver who was trailing the matatus and expressed his disbelief at the reckless driving while traveling with passengers in his own vehicle.
The National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) swiftly responded to the incident, with Wangui being arrested shortly after the video spread. He is set to appear in court on Monday to face charges related to reckless driving. The other matatu, KCF 996R, was also involved in the incident, and the driver, conductor, and the vehicle’s owner were all arrested. The owner, who is reportedly the father of the conductor, was fined Ksh 20,000, while the conductor faced a fine of Ksh 12,000.
In addition to his arrest, Wangui, the driver of KBH 889N, was fined Ksh 120,000, and his driver’s license was revoked for a period of one year. The fines imposed on the driver and the vehicle’s owner are part of a broader crackdown on reckless driving that the NTSA has been pushing for, aiming to curb the rising number of traffic accidents caused by careless driving.
This incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by reckless driving on Kenyan roads. Despite frequent campaigns and safety measures, incidents like these highlight the need for stronger enforcement of traffic laws and more responsible behavior from both public and private motorists. As investigations continue, it is hoped that this case will serve as a deterrent to other drivers who continue to jeopardize the safety of themselves and others on the road.