Start Small, Think Big

Know what it is that you want you’d be surprised how many people don’t have a clue! Once you’ve defined your goal, devise a plan and take action. Continuously assess whether your actions are moving you closer to your goal. If not, adjust your approach until you’re on the right track, always checking and tweaking along the way.

Imagine a pilot flying a small airplane; most of the time, he’s not headed exactly in the right direction. However, by paying attention to his position and desired destination, and making corrections along the way, he eventually reaches his goal. Similarly, by starting small, you make it easier to take action. No one eats an elephant in one bite, but by focusing on one small piece at a time, it becomes manageable. And so can your goals.

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Follow these principles, and I can practically guarantee an insane amount of success for you, in every area of your life. Reading this is the easy part incorporating these strategies into your life takes work, time, and commitment, but it’s worth it. Start small, think big, and watch your dreams become reality.

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