Talia Oyando, affectionately known as the “Night Nurse,” is set to debut on NTV following her departure from Citizen TV. After hosting her final show on Saturday, January 25, 2025, Oyando bid farewell to Citizen TV, where she had spent eight memorable years hosting the popular reggae show One Love.
In a heartfelt message to her fans, Oyando expressed gratitude for their unwavering support throughout her journey. “After eight beautiful years of love, music, and family on One Love at Citizen TV, it’s time for a new chapter. While this chapter is closing, I promise you, our story is far from over,” she said.
Sources from NTV confirmed Oyando’s move, with her new show expected to air almost immediately after her departure from Citizen TV. This marks an exciting transition for the celebrated host, who has become a household name in Kenya’s entertainment industry.
NTV’s head of broadcast, Simaloi Dajom, revealed that Oyando is part of a broader effort to revitalize their programming by recruiting seasoned presenters. Among the new faces joining the Nation Media Group team are Natalie Githinji, formerly of NRG Radio, and Laura Mbatha, who previously worked with Standard Media’s KTN and Sound City Radio. The duo will co-host an evening music show, slated to air right after the 4 PM news.
In addition to Oyando, NTV has also secured Janet Mbugua, a highly regarded journalist and advocate for women and social change. Mbugua, who boasts extensive experience as a news anchor, show host, and content producer in Kenya and South Africa, will play a significant role in delivering compelling content across NTV’s platforms.
Dajom highlighted Mbugua’s expertise and commitment to inclusivity, saying, “Janet is highly skilled in engaging audiences on TV, radio, and digital media. She is passionate about amplifying voices for social change and joins a vibrant team dedicated to delivering solution-driven content.”
With these dynamic additions, NTV aims to enhance its offerings and solidify its position as a leader in Kenya’s media landscape. Fans of Talia Oyando, Janet Mbugua, and the fresh talents joining NTV are eagerly anticipating the innovative programming this talented team will bring to the screen.