Telegram has kicked off 2025 with a significant update, bringing several enhancements aimed at improving user experience. As the app continues to dominate the instant messaging scene worldwide, this new update introduces features such as message search filters, a built-in QR code scanner, and collectible gifts each promising to make communication on Telegram even more enjoyable and efficient.
One of the most notable additions in this update is the message search filters. Telegram has long offered a search function, but the search results could sometimes be overwhelming or unclear. Now, with the extra filters, users can refine their search results based on whether the messages come from private chats, group chats, or channels. This added level of customization ensures that users can quickly pinpoint the messages they’re looking for without sifting through a mountain of irrelevant content.
Another exciting feature is the collectible gifts. Telegram users can now send, receive, and even transfer unique, digital gifts to one another. These collectible gifts offer a fun and personalized way to express appreciation or celebrate milestones within the Telegram ecosystem. Whether you’re sending a thank you gift or just brightening someone’s day, these digital treasures add an element of playfulness to the messaging experience.
Additionally, Telegram has added a built-in QR code scanner, making it easier than ever for users to quickly scan codes directly within the app. This feature supports a range of actions, from adding contacts to quickly navigating to channels or specific group chats. The seamless integration of the QR code scanner means users won’t need to switch between apps to complete simple tasks.
These updates are part of Telegram’s commitment to continually enhance its platform, maintaining its reputation as a versatile and user-friendly messaging app. As more people flock to the app, these new tools promise to elevate how users connect, share, and communicate in 2025. With these improvements, Telegram strengthens its position as one of the leading messaging apps on the market.