Nathan Starke, a 39-year-old urologist, was recently accused of using cocaine during surgery, leading to his suspension from the Texas Medical Board. Starke was employed at Houston Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas, where he allegedly appeared impaired during several surgeries in August and September of 2024. The Texas Medical Board’s investigation revealed that Starke tested positive for cocaine in October, further substantiating the claims of drug use while on the job.
The allegations surrounding Starke’s conduct extend beyond his medical practice. In addition to his suspension, Starke faces a criminal charge for assaulting an ex-girlfriend in March 2023. According to the complaint, Starke pushed the woman, causing her to fall and sustain injuries, including bruising and a chipped tooth. This incident is one of several troubling events in Starke’s personal history, which includes two previous arrests for driving while intoxicated, in 2007 and 2017.
The Texas Medical Board’s investigation into Starke’s actions focused on several procedures he performed while allegedly impaired. One of the most concerning cases involved a prostate biopsy in August, during which Starke was reportedly “impaired.” The situation worsened in September when Starke was reportedly absent for all but the final three minutes of a surgery for which he was the attending physician. This absence raised serious concerns about his ability to perform his duties safely and effectively.
Following the suspension, Starke’s medical license is temporarily revoked, but he may still have the opportunity to regain it. The Texas Medical Board stated that Starke’s current state posed a “continuing threat to public welfare” and ordered him to undergo drug testing. If Starke can demonstrate that he has addressed his substance abuse issues and meets the necessary medical and ethical standards, he could be allowed to resume his medical practice in the future.
While Starke’s suspension is a significant step, the medical community remains concerned about the potential risks posed by impaired physicians. The case highlights the importance of maintaining strict oversight and accountability within the healthcare system to ensure patient safety. Starke’s actions not only jeopardized his career but also raised serious questions about the potential harm caused to the patients under his care.
The situation underscores the need for healthcare professionals to maintain the highest standards of conduct, both in their personal lives and in their professional duties. Starke’s case serves as a reminder that even highly trained medical professionals can make dangerous decisions, and that drug use or impairment while performing critical procedures can have severe consequences. The Texas Medical Board’s decision to suspend Starke’s license reflects the seriousness with which such allegations are treated, and the potential for rehabilitation will depend on Starke’s ability to demonstrate his commitment to overcoming his issues and regaining the trust of both his peers and the public.