- Alcohol-Related Deaths: The harmful use of alcohol leads to approximately 3.3 million deaths each year. This staggering figure underscores the significant health burden associated with alcohol consumption worldwide.
- Average Alcohol Consumption: On average, every person aged 15 years or older worldwide consumes 6.2 litres of pure alcohol per year. This statistic provides insight into the widespread nature of alcohol consumption across different populations.
- Consumption Among Drinkers: Despite less than half of the global population (38.3%) consuming alcohol, those who do drink average about 17 litres of pure alcohol annually. This highlights a substantial consumption rate among individuals who engage in drinking.
- Drug Use Disorders: At least 15.3 million people worldwide suffer from drug use disorders. This figure underscores the pervasive impact of drug addiction on individuals’ health and well-being globally.
- Injecting Drug Use and HIV: Injecting drug use is reported in 148 countries, with 120 of these countries also reporting HIV infections among this population. This intersection highlights the dual public health challenge of substance abuse and HIV transmission among injecting drug users.
These statistics underscore the urgent need for comprehensive public health interventions to address the harmful use of alcohol and drug addiction. Strategies such as education, prevention programs, treatment services, and harm reduction approaches are critical in mitigating the health and societal impacts of substance abuse globally.