Top 10 Best-Behaved and Worst-Behaved Dog Breeds Revealed

Choosing the right dog breed can significantly influence the harmony of a household. While every dog has its unique personality, some breeds are notably better behaved than others. According to a recent survey conducted by Forbes Advisor, which analyzed data from 5,000 dog owners, certain breeds consistently outshine others in terms of obedience and temperament. The survey, encompassing 25 popular dog breeds, sheds light on the best and worst-behaved canines based on their ability to follow commands and their overall temperament.

The Best-Behaved Dog Breeds

Labrador Retriever
The Labrador Retriever tops the list of well-behaved breeds with a perfect score of 100. Renowned for their eagerness to please and ease of training, Labradors excel in obedience and have a commendable temperament. They rank highly in behaviors such as following commands and displaying a pleasant demeanor. Labradors are also among the least likely to ingest foreign objects or whine excessively.

With a score of 92.49, the Rottweiler is praised for its good behavior and adherence to commands. This breed shows a low tendency to whine or beg for food, and they are generally well-behaved when off-leash. Rottweilers are known for their stability and reliability, making them excellent companions in various settings.

Shih Tzu
Scoring 91.08, the Shih Tzu stands out for its superior temperament. This breed is least likely to jump on people or destroy household items. Shih Tzus are also known for their minimal tendencies to ingest foreign objects, contributing to their reputation as a well-mannered breed. Despite their excellent behavior, they do exhibit a moderate propensity to beg for food.

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Cane Corso
The Cane Corso, with a score of 89.07, is notable for its high level of obedience, particularly in off-leash scenarios. This breed ranks well in terms of following commands and shows minimal tendencies to bark excessively or beg for food. Cane Corsos are also recognized for their stability in behavior, contributing to their top ranking.

Golden Retriever
The Golden Retriever, scoring 88.77, maintains its reputation as a friendly and well-behaved breed. They are known for their good behavior, with a low tendency to escape or whine. Golden Retrievers also perform well in command-following and display a generally calm and pleasing demeanor.

German Shepherd
With a score of 74.65, the German Shepherd is celebrated for its obedience and low tendency to beg for food. This breed excels in following commands and demonstrates a high level of good behavior. German Shepherds are also known for their robust health and stability.

Boston Terrier
The Boston Terrier scores 62.90 and is recognized for its low tendency to ingest foreign objects and destroy items. This breed shows a commendable level of behavior, with minimal tendencies to bark excessively or attempt escape. Boston Terriers are also noted for their overall stability.

Scoring 60.97, the Poodle is noted for its minimal destructive behavior and low tendency to beg for food. This breed ranks highly for its good behavior, including a low incidence of whining and escaping. Poodles are also known for their intelligence and ease of training.

Yorkshire Terrier
Despite its small size, the Yorkshire Terrier, with a score of 56.58, is among the better-behaved small breeds. They are least likely to destroy things or whine excessively. Yorkshire Terriers also perform well in following commands and have a lower tendency to escape.

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American Bulldog
Rounding out the top ten, the American Bulldog scores 55.32. This breed is recognized for its low tendency to beg for food and its good performance in following commands. American Bulldogs are also less likely to whine or attempt to escape, making them a reliable choice for many families.

    The Worst-Behaved Dog Breeds

    Siberian Husky
    At the bottom of the list with a score of 0, the Siberian Husky is noted for its difficulty in following commands and high tendency to escape. This breed is also prone to destructive behavior and excessive barking, making it one of the least manageable breeds.

    With a score of 1.34, the Beagle often struggles with following commands and has a high tendency to beg for food. Beagles are also more likely to attempt escapes and exhibit less-than-ideal behavior compared to other breeds.

    Scoring 12.04, the Havanese is known for its frequent barking and whining. This breed also exhibits a higher tendency to destroy things and has a relatively high rate of health issues related to behavior.

    French Bulldog
    With a score of 17.32, the French Bulldog exhibits challenges in behavior, including a tendency to escape and a higher likelihood of health issues due to its behavior. This breed also struggles with maintaining good behavior consistently.

    Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
    Scoring 20.89, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel frequently begs for food and whines. This breed also has a higher tendency to ingest foreign objects and struggles with following commands when off-leash.

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      The survey underscores the diversity in dog behavior and highlights the importance of breed-specific traits in selecting a pet. Understanding these traits can aid prospective dog owners in choosing a breed that best fits their lifestyle and training capabilities.

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