A tragic incident occurred on the morning of Wednesday, January 1, along the Thika Highway, where a traffic police officer was killed after being struck by a speeding car. The officer, identified as Corporal James Mutunga, was part of a team from the Northern Corridor Transit Patrol Unit (NCTPU), which works in collaboration with the Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) to manage traffic flow and maintain safety on major highways.
The officers had stopped to attend to a stalled Tuktuk when the speeding car, traveling from the Kenol direction towards Thika, rammed into the Tuktuk, knocking down three pedestrians and hitting Corporal Mutunga. The impact caused severe head injuries to the officer, and despite being rushed to Thika Level Four Hospital, he was pronounced dead on arrival.
The two KeNHA officials who were accompanying Corporal Mutunga sustained minor injuries and were treated and discharged in stable condition. The driver of the Tuktuk also suffered serious injuries and is receiving treatment at the hospital.
Following the incident, both the motor vehicle and the Tuktuk were towed to the station yard for inspection. The body of Corporal Mutunga was taken to General Kago Funeral Home for an autopsy.
The Northern Corridor Transit Patrol Unit, which replaced the Highway Patrol Unit (HPU), was established to help address issues like cargo theft and general crime along the Northern Corridor route. It also aims to ensure the smooth flow of traffic and combat road safety concerns, including vandalism of road signs.
This incident is a stark reminder of the dangers faced by traffic officers as they work to ensure road safety. Corporal Mutunga’s death has left his colleagues and the local community mourning, and the investigation into the accident continues. The authorities urge motorists to adhere to speed limits and exercise caution on the roads to prevent further tragedies.