In a devastating turn of events, a massive fire broke out in the early hours of Tuesday at the Grand Kartal Hotel, a well-known ski resort located in the Kartalkaya region of Bolu province, Turkey. The blaze, which took hold of the 12-story hotel, resulted in the tragic loss of at least 66 lives, including two individuals who leapt from the building in a desperate attempt to escape the flames. The fire also left 51 people injured, with some suffering serious burns and smoke inhalation.
The fire erupted just as the region was preparing for a busy winter holiday season, which coincides with a two-week school break. The popular resort town, located around 185 miles east of Istanbul, is usually filled with tourists seeking winter recreation. Unfortunately, the fire occurred at a time when the hotel was packed, with guests seeking to make the most of the school holiday.
The interior minister, Ali Yerlikaya, expressed his sorrow after visiting the site. “We are in deep pain. We have unfortunately lost 66 lives in the fire that broke out at this hotel,” Yerlikaya stated in a press conference. He confirmed that the blaze had caused severe damage to the structure and spread quickly, particularly affecting the upper floors.
Eyewitness accounts paint a harrowing picture of the chaos that unfolded as the fire spread. Atakan Yelkovan, a guest staying on the third floor of the hotel, described scenes of panic and desperation. “People on the upper floors were screaming. They hung down sheets. Some tried to jump,” Yelkovan recalled, describing how guests attempted to escape by tying together sheets and blankets to descend the building’s exterior. Tragically, some were not quick enough to flee and perished in the fire.
As emergency responders worked to bring the fire under control, local health officials confirmed that the death toll included individuals who had succumbed to the flames or injuries caused by their escape attempts. Health Minister Kemal Memisoglu stated that at least one person was in critical condition, while 17 others had been treated for minor injuries and released. The injured were quickly transported to nearby hospitals for medical care, and authorities began investigating the cause of the blaze.
Authorities have yet to determine the exact origin of the fire, but early investigations point to a possible electrical malfunction or an issue in the hotel’s heating system. The fire caused extensive damage to the upper floors, with several rooms completely destroyed. Firefighters were able to contain the blaze after several hours, but by then, the damage had already been done.
This tragedy has left the local community, as well as the wider country, reeling. The region, which thrives on tourism during the winter months, is now faced with the task of supporting the victims’ families and addressing the safety concerns of other hotels in the area. The tragedy has sparked debates over building regulations and fire safety measures, particularly in high-rise hotels that cater to large numbers of guests during peak seasons.
The fire at the Grand Kartal serves as a somber reminder of the potential dangers that can arise in crowded, high-rise hotels, especially in remote or mountainous areas where emergency response times can be delayed. As the investigation continues, the hope is that lessons learned from this horrific event can help prevent similar disasters in the future, ensuring that the safety of hotel guests becomes a higher priority in the tourism industry.
As families and friends mourn the loss of their loved ones, the Turkish government has pledged to provide support and assistance to those affected by this heartbreaking tragedy.