UDA Cancels Kamkunji Repeat Elections Amid Rising Tensions in the Party

The United Democratic Alliance (UDA), the ruling party led by President William Ruto, has announced the cancellation of the repeat elections in Kamkunji Constituency. The elections, which were scheduled to take place on Thursday, June 6, at the Hustler Centre, have been called off due to what the party described as “unavoidable circumstances.”

The announcement was made public on Wednesday evening by UDA National Elections Board (NEB) Chairman Anthony Mwaura. In a statement, Mwaura said, “Due to unavoidable circumstances, the repeat election for the religious position in Kamkunji Constituency will not take place as planned.” He expressed regret over any inconvenience caused and assured party members and constituents that further information regarding the rescheduling of the election would be communicated soon.

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This cancellation comes in the wake of escalating tensions within the ruling party. Last month, UDA had announced plans to conduct repeat nomination exercises in both Starehe and Kamkunji constituencies. These repeats were deemed necessary after initial nomination processes were marred by violent disruptions. The party is currently conducting investigations into these violent incidents and has committed to holding any responsible candidates accountable.

The postponement has added to the growing sense of unease within UDA, as the party grapples with internal strife and the challenge of maintaining unity and order. The initial violence that disrupted the nominations had already raised concerns about the party’s ability to manage its internal elections effectively.

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The UDA leadership faces significant pressure to resolve these issues swiftly and transparently. Ensuring the integrity of the nomination process is crucial not only for maintaining party discipline but also for upholding public confidence in UDA’s ability to govern fairly and effectively.

The cancelled Kamkunji election was particularly significant as it involved the selection of a candidate for a religious position, a role that holds considerable influence within the constituency. The delay in this election is likely to have a ripple effect on local political dynamics and may further complicate the party’s efforts to maintain a cohesive front.

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As the UDA continues its investigations into the causes of the previous violence and the reasons behind the latest cancellation, party members and the public await clear communication and decisive action from the leadership. The coming days will be critical in determining how the party navigates these challenges and whether it can restore stability and confidence among its ranks.

In the meantime, residents of Kamkunji Constituency are left in a state of uncertainty, awaiting further announcements from the UDA regarding the new schedule for the repeat elections. The situation remains fluid, and all eyes are on the party’s next moves as it strives to manage the fallout from these latest developments.