Understanding Blood Pressure and Its Implications

Low blood pressure, or hypotension, occurs when blood supply to the brain and other organs is insufficient, leading to symptoms like dizziness, fainting, fatigue, headaches, neck pain, confusion, blurred vision, and abnormal heartbeats. In severe cases, it can result in shock or death. Treating symptomatic low blood pressure involves medical interventions and lifestyle adjustments, such as increased water intake and sodium consumption under medical supervision.

Blood pressure readings reflect the force of heartbeats and the resistance in blood vessels, with normal levels ranging between 90/60 mmHg and 140/90 mmHg. Levels above 140/90 mmHg indicate high blood pressure. While mild hypotension without symptoms usually isn’t concerning, severe hypotension requires attention to prevent serious health issues. Factors contributing to high blood pressure include age, genetics, diet, lack of exercise, obesity, alcohol consumption, smoking, and stress. Regular monitoring and lifestyle changes are crucial for managing blood pressure and preventing complications.

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High blood pressure often goes unnoticed without measurement but can cause significant damage to blood vessels, leading to stroke, heart disease, kidney failure, and vision loss. Medications help maintain normal levels, and lifestyle changes such as reducing salt, fat, and alcohol intake, quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising, and managing stress are essential. Regular check-ups and monitoring can aid in early intervention and prevent long-term health issues related to blood pressure.

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