Rachel Njeru, better known as Mwalimu Rachel, is a well-loved radio host on Kiss FM, known for her engaging presence on-air and her candid discussions on various topics. However, when it comes to her personal life, especially her romantic relationships, she chooses to maintain a clear boundary, opting for privacy rather than publicity.
In a recent conversation, Mwalimu Rachel explained her approach to keeping her love life out of the public eye. “I would never disclose who I am dating to the public; the most you’ll see is maybe a picture of his hand,” she shared. This decision stems from her observations of the negative consequences that can arise when high-profile relationships are publicized on social media. “I’ve seen more harm than good come from publicizing relationships. Plus, I haven’t been very lucky in love, so going public might jinx it,” she added.
This cautious approach extends to the identity of her son’s father, which she has also kept private. Even though she and her ex-partner separated, they maintain a harmonious co-parenting arrangement, without involving the public in their personal matters. During her pregnancy, rumors swirled about her alleged relationship with rapper K-Letta, speculating he was the father of her child. However, Mwalimu Rachel quickly cleared the air, revealing that K-Letta was just a friend, and the real father was someone she had known and dated for years.
Mwalimu Rachel has been the subject of various relationship rumors due to her friendly and close interactions with other media personalities. For instance, in 2022, rumors of a romance with DJ Pinye emerged after they shared affectionate posts during Valentine’s Day. She swiftly dismissed these speculations, reaffirming her commitment to keeping her love life private. Similarly, she has denied romantic links with fellow radio hosts Maina Kageni and DJ G Money. In an amusing online fan interaction, she humorously joked about dating Maina Kageni, saying, “If I were dating Maina, he’d make sure everyone knew it was me.”
Through it all, Mwalimu Rachel has remained steadfast in her decision to keep her romantic endeavors separate from her public persona, focusing on her career and maintaining a clear boundary between the two.