Youth in Upper Kaewa Push for Vocational Training to Combat Unemployment

A small area within Kathiani sub-county in Machakos County, a rising wave of unemployment has sparked a call to action from the local youth. This group of young residents is urgently appealing to the county government for immediate intervention to address the region’s growing job crisis.

The young people of Upper Kaewa are advocating for access to short vocational courses that they believe are essential in combating the increasing unemployment rates. They are particularly focused on practical skills such as driving, catering, and other hands-on trades. The youth argue that these skills are not only crucial for personal self-reliance but also have the potential to stimulate local job creation and economic growth.

One of the main proposals from the group is to decentralize these training sessions to the ward level. By bringing vocational courses closer to home, the youth believe that more individuals will be able to participate without the added financial burden of traveling long distances. This approach aims to increase participation rates and ensure that the benefits of the training programs are more broadly distributed throughout the community.

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The youth’s call for vocational training comes at a time when the region is grappling with high unemployment rates and economic stagnation. The lack of accessible skill-building opportunities has left many young people without viable pathways to employment, leading to frustration and a sense of disillusionment. The proposed vocational courses are seen as a practical solution to equip individuals with marketable skills, thereby enhancing their employability and contributing to the overall economic development of Upper Kaewa.

In addition to the vocational training, those involved in agriculture have also raised concerns about the need for specialized training in crop selection and modern farming techniques. Agriculture remains a cornerstone of the local economy, and the youth involved in farming believe that better guidance on crop management could significantly improve yields and profitability. By incorporating modern farming practices and strategic crop selection, they argue that the local agricultural sector can be revitalized, leading to increased economic opportunities and a stronger community.

“Agriculture is our backbone, but we need to do it right,” said a young farmer from the group. This sentiment reflects the broader recognition that while agriculture is a vital part of the local economy, it must be supported with the right knowledge and tools to succeed in today’s competitive market.

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The proposed vocational training and agricultural support align with broader efforts to address unemployment and economic challenges in Kenya. By focusing on practical skills and localized training, the initiative seeks to create sustainable solutions that empower individuals and strengthen communities. The youth’s proactive approach underscores their commitment to driving positive change and fostering economic resilience in Upper Kaewa.

As the county government considers the youth’s appeal, the hope is that swift and effective action will be taken to implement these recommendations. By investing in vocational training and agricultural education, Machakos County can provide the necessary support to its young residents, paving the way for a brighter and more prosperous future for the entire region.

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