Ugandan socialite and entrepreneur Zari Hassan has passionately defended her husband, Shakib Cham, against online trolls who have been criticizing his English. Zari, who is also a reality TV star, took to her social media to express her pride in her husband, emphasizing that despite the criticisms of his English, she believes he is in a “winning season.”
The backlash against Shakib intensified following his debut appearance on Netflix’s African reality TV series Young, Famous & African, where his command of the English language was notably weaker than many viewers expected. While some netizens mocked his grammar and accent, Zari took a different stance, acknowledging that her husband might not be fluent in English but possesses many other qualities that make him successful.
In a fiery response, Zari told her critics, “Oh, we cannot wait to see Shakib’s English… Let’s talk about the English… let’s talk about it!” She argued that speaking perfect English does not define a person’s intelligence, wealth, or success. According to Zari, Shakib’s biggest accomplishment is not just his language skills but his journey from being a regular individual to making it onto Netflix, one of the world’s most prominent platforms. “My husband bagged me winning season for him,” Zari proudly declared, emphasizing that their relationship and his career trajectory were clear indications of his success.
Zari further emphasized that Shakib’s career was on an upward trajectory, with major opportunities ahead. “Bigger deals are coming,” she said, hinting that Shakib might even one day make it to Hollywood. Her message was clear: “Ladies and gentlemen, Shakib is winning, and I’m so happy for him.”
The heartfelt video shared on her social media ended with a passionate declaration of love for Shakib, with Zari noting that she had never loved anyone as much as she loved him. Through her powerful words, Zari not only defended her husband but also reinforced the idea that success is not measured solely by one’s proficiency in English.